Saturday, September 6, 2008

Join us Today and add value to humanity

Spiritual Revival Ministries is looking for Partners to work with in promoting its objectives.
Please register today and help in spreading the word of God.
we believe your support is a blessing to us that is why we strongly welcome it.

Support may be Physical, Spiritual and Financial.

We are looking for people who are interested in spreading the gospel of our Lord Jesus through Love.
Love and giving are the best way to spread the Kingdom of God.

Spiritual Revival Ministries operates in areas where people strongly need assistance and help if the gospel is to be effectively preached. Many go without food for more that two days, not because they are fasting, but they can not afford a meal!

Many die everyday due to ignorance and lack of proper treatments. Many walk naked, not because they love the fashion, but just because they can not afford the decency. Underaged girls have become parents not to enjoy the responsbility, but to get at least where to stay!

Many would-be Christians are doing witchctraft just due to the misconception by their religious leaders on how to attain their happiness, they were converted on the belief that their pesonal problems will be solved the day they join christianity! This calls for the Gospel of truth on how to live a true Christian.

And without you, this work may be difficult to us.

For more information on how you can partner please call rev. Stephen Okhutu now on Mobile +256 712 734 661 or or Email:,

You may however have a visit to Africa and witness the condition in which we work! Perhaps you will then realise why we need your support.